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Str Fluieras Nr 9

Oras Nehoiu

Judetul Buzau


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Negoberry Plants SRL


Blueberry cultivars are perenial soft fruit plants originated from North America being widely planted all over the world. 

The adult plant develops into a bush shape of 1.5 -2 m height depending on variety and climate. Blueberries prefer acidic(Ph 3.5 -4.5) , free draining and yet mois soils with low salinity. Blueberries develop shallow and delicate root system and they demand regular water and air  supply for good development.

Blueberries have different characteristics and each should be considered when choosing a particular variety. Please check our list to help you find the best variety that suits your needs. Different varieties ripens at different times throughout the season and we refer to these as Early, Mid Season and Late.

Blueberry fruits are considered the super food due to the high content of vitamins and minerals. 
Regular blueberry eating has been proved to help on lowerinh high blood pressure, drops the colesterol and helps on liver regenerating. 

Blueberries can be eatten fresh or can be processed or frozen for later consumption.


Grows vigorowsly up to 2 m high

Requires strong pruning to mentain high quality fruit and constant yield

It ripens from beginning of September to Mid-October 

Not recommended for damp and cold places


Erect growth habit, up to 1.6 m high

Big, aromatic and tasty fruit

Begins to ripen in August and last about 4 weeks 

It is a varity worth growing due to its late time of ripening, cold hardiness and good quality fruit


Originated from Australia

Fast growth , up to 1.8 m high 

Big fruit, smooth, hard and cruncy, pale blue colour

Considered to be one of the most promising commercial blueberry variety

Late varieties

Blueberry( vaccinium corymbosum)


Chandler gives high and regular yield and its prolonged harvest to 4-6 weeks improves the attractiveness of this cultivar

Exceptionally big berries, one of the biggest size from blueberry varieties

Pink blueberry


Legacy it is both a vigorous grower and heavy producer 

Grows high, up to 2.1 m, with an erect habit

Berries of average size but very tasty with small scar

High yielding after 10 year long observation in the USA considered the most high yielding blueberry cultivar 


Big Shrub, up to 2.1 m high, erect, easy to train

Average size berries , pale blue, sweet and aromatic

One of the most resistant and tolerant cultivars

Unique by its pink fruit. At first the fruits are pale green, then they start getting pink spots and at the end they turn into a pink colour

Compact growth with many stems , covered with pointy leaves with smooth surface

Blue Gold

Compact growth , up to 1.5 high, multi stem bush

Average size berries, which take on color early

Easy in cultivation , recommended to less experienced growers

Blue Crop

BlueCrop is considered the best all around variety for adaptability , long production perioud, high yields and disease resistance

Big berries of very good quality , suitable for both manual and mechanical harvest

Tolerent to late spring frosts

Mid season varieties

Early varieties

Hannah's Choice 

Highbush blueberry cultivar selected in USA, early time of ripening at similar date as Duke

Upright growth habit, up to 2m high

Big and average size berries , firm and very sweet


Very attractive, easy to pick and best flavored variety, ideal for home gardeners.

Spartan it is particular about soil types , requiring well drained soils rich in organic matter. 

Early variety, average size berries with good taste , suitable for both fresh market and processing.

Extremly appreciated variety due to regular and high yield.

Duke blooms late but ripens early which protects the blossoms from spring frosts.

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