Str Fluieras Nr 9
Oras Nehoiu
Judetul Buzau
Email :
Tel : +40787395430
9 Fluieras Str.
Email :
Tel : +40 787 395 430
Quality Planting Material
Tel : +40787395430
Material saditor de calitate
Blackberry (Rubus fructicosus)
Blackberries bring to mind wild black and tasty berries which are well protected by their prickly shrubs. Nowadays, thanks to breeding efforts of different growers , we have many thornless cultivars which yield giant and tasty berries , and can easilly be cultivated in home gardens and on comercial plantations.
In our nursery we have selected to propagate thornless varieties aclimatised to Romanian climate, resistent to diseases, with yield abundant crop, bear big and tasty berries, are transport tolerant and have long shelf life.
Black Satin
- Grows up to 150 cm high, with upright sprouts
- Gives attractive large and sweet berries
- Blooms in June and ripens beginning of August
- One of the late thornless varieties
- Cold hardy with vigorous growth
- Average size berries , very ferm and attractive
- Transports well , ideal for fresh market
- Ripens starting with mid August untill late September
- Thornless variety by its name originated from America , high yielding and cord hardy
-Vigorous growth with long canes reaching up to 5 m
- Large fruit , over 6g , conical shape and very sweet
-It ripens mid July for more than six weeks
- Thornless variety originated from America, bred in 1989
- Develops upright sprouts which yields high crops but do not regenerate too well
- Average size berries, firm, sweet with atrractive glossy skin
- It is good for both production and planting in home gardens
- It ripens beginning of August and last about one month
Loch ness
- Thornless variety descovered in Scotland, resistent to low winter tempartures
- Semi- erect growth , needs suport but can easilly be trained
- Large berries, slithly acidic and sweet , used both for fresh market and processed market
- It ripens starting mid July and has a long fruting perioud
- Thornless variety originated from America , bred at University of Arkansass
- Very early variety with short cropping period
Blackberry Varieties