Str Fluieras Nr 9
Oras Nehoiu
Judetul Buzau
Email :
Tel : +40787395430
Raspberries are not only tasty but also highly regarded for their nutritional values. These delicious and aromatic berries are a treasure for vitamins and minerals. They are considered to be a natural remedy for colds and flu and are good for fresh market and for comercial processing.
Raspberries are rewarding plants since they yield a potentially profitable fruit crop in a short time. The raspberry cultivation does not cause many problems and, taking into account the right varieties , you can enjoy fruit from early summer to late autumn.
In our nursery we produce raspberry plants in P9 pots and in cell trays, propagated from healthy certified stock which can be planted all year around as long as the weather allows.
On demand we can produce bare root plants suitable more for Autumn or early Spring planting.
Fall Gold
- Soi remontant de zmeur galben
- Productivitate ridicata, fruct mare, atragator, gust unic
- Fructifica toamna de la mijlocul lunii August pana la venirea inghetului
All Gold
- Soi remontant de culoare galbena cu fructificare , dezvoltare si potential productiv similar cu Autumn Bliss.
- Ideal pentru consum in forma proaspata dar poate fi si congelata
Contactati-ne la adresa de email pentru mai multe informatii
Autumn Bliss
- Soi remontant ce fructifica de la sfarsitul lunii Iulie pana la venirea inghetului cu un varf de productie in Septembrie
- Lastari compacti si erecti ce necesita minim de suport
- Fruct mediu, rosu aprins , cu rezistenta buna si desprindere usoara
- Soi remontant originar din America cultivat in toata lumea pentru sezonul lung de recoltare
- Tufa viguroasa care tolereaza bine atat seceta cat si temperaturile scazute din iarna
- Fruct mediu, conic, aspect comercial utilizat atat in procesare cat si in forma proaspata
- Coacerea de toamna incepe de la mijlocul lunii august
- Soi Remontant sau Primocane care fructifica pe lastari de un an
- Lastari de marime medie, viguroasi dar care necesita sustine datorita incarcaturii fructelor
- Fruct mare, usor conic, rosu aprins , aspect comercial, utilizat atat in procesare dar si in stare proapata
- Fructifica de la mijlocul lunii august pana in Octombrie, Noiembrie in functie de vremea de toamna
Soiuri remontant (Primocane)
- Mid season floricane variety with good yield used mainly for fresh market
- Strong canes up to 2m high with good resistence to diseases
- Standard variety for the fresh market throughout the world. It has a large fruit with an excelent flavour and shelf live.
- It ripens starting with mid July
- Early floricane variety originated from America, once being the most planted variety in the world
- It is still one of the main variety for processed fruit
- High yield, fast growth habit, , gives tasty, medium to large dark fruit
- It ripens from mid June to mid July
- Early floricane variety , vigorous , with strong fruiting laterals.
- Sweet and delicious with a traditional raspberry flavour.
- Medium to large fruit, dark and ferm berries
- Transports very well and can be used for both fresh and processing market
Soiuri de vara (Floricane)
Zmeur ( Rubus Idaeus L.)
9 Fluieras Str.
Email :
Tel : +40 787 395 430
Quality Planting Material
Tel : +40787395430
Material saditor de calitate