Str Fluieras Nr 9
Oras Nehoiu
Judetul Buzau
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Tel : +40787395430
9 Fluieras Str.
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Quality Planting Material
Tel : +40787395430
Material saditor de calitate
Hinnonmaky Yellow
Hinnonmaky Red
White Hollander
Ben Connan
Currants and goosberries are two closely related species within the genus Ribes. This genus is diverse with more than 150 known species and hundreds of cultivated varieties. Currants and goosberies can be easily be distinguished by the presence or absence of thorns; goosberries usually have thorns while currents do not.
Ribes plants are long-lived perenial shrubs that are cold hardy and where disease and insect resistence is variable.
The fruit is versatile and very nutritious and varies in presentation , flavour, shape, size, texture and color.
Most cultivated currants are of European origin, though many native North American species exist. Currant color type include black , red , white , even pink. Currants are thornless and fruit is small(pea sized) and produced in grape-like clusters.
Because of their tart flavor, currents are seldom eatten fresh but are used for processing into juices , jams, and jellies.
Balckcurrants are notted for their stronger odor and astrigent flavor, yet they are highly prized for juice products and their high nutrient content. Red current are used more for fresh consumtion as they are much sweeter and have different flavour.
Cultivated forms of goosberries vary in term of size, color, shape and disease resitence.
Fruit size vary from pea size to small egg sized . Color varies as well with fruit colors in shades of green, pink, red purple, white and yellow. Over the past two centuries , hundreds of cultivars have been developed with a focus on prize-winning fruit size and color. All goosberry cultivars have varying degrees of thornybess. Fruit is produced in small groups or singularly on stems and are picked individually.
- Thornless, mid season variety
- Average size, red berries
- Cold hardy, highly tolerant to diseases
- Virtually thornless variety originated from Canada
- High yield, average size berries , firm ,pale red , good quality
- Easy manual harvest due to lack of thorns
- Thorny variety, late season
- Average size berries, pale green color, good flavour
- Used for both fresh market and comercial market
- Compact growth , cold hardy
Late variety, one of the most popular thorny variety due to high productivity
-Large berries, pale green color used for cooking in fresh market but also for freezing
-Vigorous grouth , starts fruiting beginning of August
- Crestere viguroasa cu fructificare la inceputul lunii August
- Mid seazon variety, thorny, cold hardy, originated from Finland
- Yellow fruit, small berries , very sweet and firm
- Mature plant will need suport under the berry weight
- Thorny variety originated from Finland
- High yield, red berries, average size, nice flavour
- Vigorous grouth, very resistant to diseases
Soiuri de Agris
- Mid season variety
- Compact clusters with small size berries but extremly sweet
-Ripens beginning of July
- Late variety , white berries , decent size on long clusters
- High yield on short perioud
- Mid season variety
- Average size berries
-High yield on short perioud
-Highly tolerant to draught
- Mid seazon variety originated from Sweden
- Large , firm ,dark black berries
- Ripens beginning of July untill August
- Late variety , high yield and good fruit quality
- One of the most planted variety in comercial market
- Long clusters with large berries, comercial aspect
- Early variety originated from Scotland
- Large berry , 18 mm diameter , high yield
- Tolerant to diseases , especially to powdery mildew
- Mid seazon variety , ripens mid June
-Large red berries on compact clusters
- High yield for longer perioud
- Mid season variety, begins ripening mid June
- Long clusters , comercial aspect
- Vigorous growth , spreding habit
- Eraly variety, starts ripening begining of June
- High yield, average size berries in compact and uniform clusters
-Compact growth , tolerant to draugh
Soiuri de Coacaz
Currants and Goosberries