Str Fluieras Nr 9
Oras Nehoiu
Judetul Buzau
Email :
Tel : +40787395430
Cramberry Pilgrim
- Perenian, evergreen shrub,from the Ericaceae family
- Grows vigorously with leaves of average size
- The berries are small, round , glossy red firm pulp, rich in vitamin C
- Fruits beginning of September
9 Fluieras Str.
Email :
Tel : +40 787 395 430
Quality Planting Material
Tel : +40787395430
Material saditor de calitate
(Amelanchier alnifolia)
Other Plants
- A cross between Rubus Fructicosus and Rubus Idaeus results in a cultivar
that boasts in features between those two varieties
- Vigorous growth , which flowers late but ripens quite early
-The fruit is big and tasty, dark red, up to 5 cm long, ideal for direct consumtion, processing and freezing
Easy to grow and brings high yield
- Rhubarb it is a herbaceous plant
that is grown for its juicy leafstalks,
which have a tart, tangy flavour
- Victoria is a Rhubarb variety noticeably sweeter and milder than others and it is used much for cooking
- Plants have green stalks with red blush and grows up to 1 m high
Minikiwi Issai (Actinidia)
- Japanese cultivar, self-polinating hermaphrodite
-Reaches 3-4 m high, its anual growth is about 1-2m
- Produce tasty fruits, about 4cm long which weight 5-8 grams
-They rippen middle of September
- Gives crop in the second year after planting
-Easy to grow plants, cold hardy, resistent to diseases and pests
Aronia melanocarpa Nero
- Vase shaped shrub, branching from the base with compact growth, reaching 2 m high
-Blooms earlier than other cultivars, display white flowers with red stems in spring
-Gives large, glossy black fruit held in clusters
-High in vitamins(mainly Vit C), minerals and antioxidants
- Grown especially for juice, commonly used for jams, jellies and syrups
- Shrub or small tree from the Rosacea family, originated from Norh America that can reach up to 4m high.
-Prefers sunny positions and is highly tolerant to soil and draught.
- Globular shaped berries which ripen early and not all at the same time.
-Blue-black color coverd with a slight waxy bloom, juicy, tasty, ideal for fresh market but can be used for prserves and jams